Welcome to a new era of egg flow management. From EggXact egg counters that provide 24/7 insight (99.5% accurate) into the egg production and health of your layers or breeders, to control systems that optimize egg flow at barn and at farm level – all our solutions are designed to simplify egg processing, reduce costs, and drive profitability.
Egg flow control is an automatic egg counting and communication system, where multiple egg counters (one per belt) communicate in real time with a Fortica or Antares Egg controller. The control system automatically adjusts the belt speeds to ensure a steady egg output to the processing point at barn and at farm level. This results in smoother egg flow with an optimal egg mix, reduced shell damage, shorter collection times, lower labor costs, and higher job satisfaction.
We provide egg flow control solutions for every barn setup, from complete farm automation to add-on egg flow control for your existing controllers. Feel free to contact our experts to find the best fit for your farm.
EggXact egg counters provide precise egg counts per belt with 99.5% accuracy, delivering real-time insights to optimize egg flow and swiftly address health or production issues. They enable detailed monitoring of egg production by day, hour, and minute. Designed for versatility, EggXact is compatible with all types of belts, eggs, and barns, including group housing, free-range, and aviary setups for nest, system, and cross belts.
The Antares Egg controller is designed for seamless egg flow management and integrates effortlessly with existing control systems, ensuring compatibility with any farm setup. It synchronizes egg belt speeds for a smooth, steady output, minimizing shell damage, collection time, and labor costs.
An egg flow controller for centralized egg collection that synchronizes egg flow across all barns to maintain a steady output to the processing point for the entire farm. The Fortica CEC automatically adjusts egg outputs from each barn to compensate for fluctuations, minimizing downtime, reducing egg breakage, and maximizing packing and processing efficiency.
Enhance your Fortica with the Egg Collection Module, a powerful software add-on that brings advanced egg flow control to your existing system. This module optimizes egg flow at the barn level, ensuring a steady, consistent output while minimizing labor costs and egg breakage. And that’s just a glimpse of what Fortica can do. This all-in-one control system also allows you to monitor, control, and automate all other layer house processes.