
Fortica in broiler house in North Ireland

Fortica in broiler house in North Ireland

In the middle of 2016, our Irish dealer delivered a broiler house for the Cowan family in North Ireland. This farm consists of two sheds 280 x 66 feet, each shed holds 28,500 broiler birds. The two poultry sheds are connected by store rooms. This farm is located In Carrickfergus, Bellahill road.

The Fortica poultry computer controls the ventilation and lighting in the broiler house. The Fortica is quick and easy to operate via a user-friendly touchscreen. The Fortica, which is integrated in a switchpanel, controls the ventilation to create the perfect climate. Via the SmartWinch motors, it places the inlet valves in the correct position, so that the ideal volume of air enters the broiler house. The Fortica can also be operated via an app on your smartphone, so that the broiler house is always within easy reach.

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