A new laying hen barn has been built in the south of Scotland. This new free-range poultry house, measuring 80 x 15.24 metres, will house 16,000 hens. Here the innovative Fortica® system is integrated in a Hotraco switch panel.
The system maintains an optimum climate in the barn. The ZLV Vario air inlet stacks on the roof ensure a perfect balance of fresh air and recirculating air, even at minimum ventilation. The touch screen Fortica® controls the ZLV Vario and ensures that the damper is in the correct position, the fan is at the correct speed and the opening of the cassette is large enough. The cascade control in the Fortica® coordinates these air distributors for automatic switchover to the winter, transition and summer modes.
Feed registration, which is done through silo weighing, is also controlled by the Fortica® system. The switch panel is further equipped with an expanded ACA-10N alarm system and a SyslinQ. The latter makes it possible to control and read out all the Forticas from a PC or, via the Fortica app, from a tablet or smartphone. This enables the laying hen farmer to quickly respond to situations in his barn from any remote location.